Let’s Make a Movie
All donations are tax-deductible through our Fiscal Sponsor, Southern Documentary Fund, click here.
Contact Us
If you have a story or archival material about Sister to share, please reach us at thankyousistermovie@gmail.com.
We’d love to hear from you!
Our Goal is Community!
“What is really important about Sister is the people that are gathering around her now, whether it's through this film or anything that's been related to Sister. It’s all the people she’s touched.”
-Ron Rona, Artistic Director, Preservation Hall
The story of Sister Gertrude Morgan is one of perseverance, unwavering faith, and adventure. Our team is working to produce the first-ever feature documentary uncovering Sister's extraordinary path.
But to make this happen -- to film and produce interviews, to commission original artwork in her honor, and to license previously unseen photographs, documents, footage, and recordings -- we need support and funding.
This is where you come in. We are looking for generous donors to support the project and help us tell Sister’s story. As an independent film company, we are reliant on donors to bolster our effort.
Whether you give $10, $10,000 or $100,000, we are truly grateful for your support. The feature’s budget and production schedule are available upon request. Become a donor and you become a part of the progress, will receive an invitation as our VIP to future screenings, and be featured in the credits. Thank you.

"I'm so proud to be a part of this documentary because I think that it's another manifestation of keeping Sister’s spirit and teachings alive, and that her life was certainly not confined to Alabama or the Lower Ninth Ward. She's become a force in many ways.”
-Bill Fagaly, Former Director, NOMA
“Thank you so much for doing this film, and giving it to the world, it's perfect timing, not even timing, it's just perfect.”
-Lesley Dill, Artist
“I feel like knowing her really shaped me. There's something about her that's really genuine. That she wanted to share the word of God and she still does today.”
-Sacha Clay-Borenstein
Thank you, Sister is a sponsored project with Southern Documentary Fund (Federal Tax ID Number #75- 2993148). Tax Letter Policy: SDF issues a tax receipt for all donations made over $250. SDF will email the donor their receipt directly unless one specifically requests a hard copy or only provides a mailing address. Donors should retain their check stub or PayPal receipt for their records.
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